• For women who want to optimise their fertility & pregnancy by discovering meditation, visualisation and mindfulness & holistic therapies.  
  • For women to explore techniques for supporting their emotional and physical wellbeing during pregnancy, for birth empowerment and postnatal rejuvenation.
  • Wellbeing coaching also includes the exploration of holistic therapies (aromatherapy, massage, reflexology, crystals) for pregnancy wellbeing.
  • I will empower you with coaching and teaching to optimise your pregnancy experience.


Mindfulness is a research based method of focusing the mind to reduce stress & anxiety.

Mindfulness is giving attention to the present moment, focussing on and attuning to the senses, which is important for pregnancy, birth and postnatal rejuvenation. Mindfulness techniques are powerful to cultivate happier and more relaxed experiences of motherhood journeys.  


Meditation is an essential part of mindfulness practice. It is a tool to focus the mind and find inner peace, which can be beneficial for optimising fertility, enjoying pregnancy and preparing for birth.

Meditation increases concentration, creativity and relaxation.  Meditation teaches the mind to let go of negative thoughts and learn acceptance of ourselves, without judgement during the challenges of motherhood.


Visualisation is an active way of focusing the mind and senses to create a vision of a goal and it has greater power when in a meditative and relaxed space of serenity.

Visualisation is away of connecting to an outcome, with the intention of creating a positive change or manifesting goals for pregnancy, birth and postnatal experiences. Visualisation can be powerful for a birthing goddess!

Serenity to Flourish.


Pregnancy wellbeing 
For women who want to optimise their fertility & pregnancy by discovering meditation, visualisation and mindfulness & holistic therapies.  

For women to explore techniques for supporting their emotional and physical wellbeing during pregnancy, for birth empowerment and postnatal rejuvenation.
Empowered birth
 For pregnant women who want to make positive changes to their thoughts, beliefs, habits and fears to have an empowered birth.

Pregnant women who have specific goals and intentions for birth and motherhood, and who would like nurturing support & positive coaching.